Reactive HR work:
The standard case
The standard case for most companies is reactive HR work . People management only grows or becomes more professional after employees notice an increased need.
The operational standard people topics are being dealt with, but this is not perceived by the employees as adding value, but as a minimum requirement.
Why is that not enough?
Because the valley of pain is much closer than most bosses realize.
But what danger are we talking about here?
From reactive HR to growing pains, little external pressure is usually enough
People management is initially gradual and then suddenly overwhelmed .
Reactive HR work works well until the company is under pressure. Be it unexpected growth, new regulations or legal pressure: every system can only react as flexibly as the people who work in it.
That’s why strategic HR work is so crucial!
If unexpected pressure hits a people management that is too small or too rigid, the whole system can falter! We call it growing pains.
With People Pace from
Reactive to Active:
P&C Value Creation!
The good news : Companies can prepare well for growing pains and other dangers.
Most problems, not only growth-related, could be avoided if people processes and structures had been aligned with management plans by experienced professionals .
This is exactly where People Pace comes in!
We are here to strengthen your HR so that even sudden growth spurts or changes do not cause panic. On the contrary: your HR will go from being a bottleneck for change to being an additional driving force for the company.